Dedicated time towards baby's development
Through movement and play, we will identify areas of growth for your baby and expand their skills
What does OT address?
I work with babies at home from birth until 3 years to support their development. I assess and support the following skills:
Gross motor, fine motor, visual motor
Sensory processing
Developmental milestones
Social communications and engagement
Cognition (executive functioning, problem solving)
Nervous system & behavioral regulation
Relational attachments
Is OT for my child?
The children I work with may have:
Delayed milestones (rolling, tummy time, sitting, crawling, walking, talking)
Downs Syndrome
Time spent in NICU
Cerebral Palsy
Medical Complications around birth
Genetic differences
If you are concerned about your child's development for any reason, feel free to contact me for a discovery call to see how I can support you.
Each underlying skill impacts participation in daily activities such as eating, dressing, toileting, hygiene. I walk alongside you and your child in their developmental journey, offering guidance and tools that help your child participate in the context of your family.
Every child and family is an interwoven system, and I consider all aspects of an area of challenge to ensure lasting growth and change.